ACML 2020 Tutorial

Tensor Networks in Machine Learning: Recent Advances and Frontiers


Tensor Networks (TNs) are efficient representation of high-order tensors by a network of many low-order tensors, which have been studied in quantum physics and applied mathematics. In recent years, TNs have been increasingly investigated and applied to machine learning for high-dimensional data analysis, model compression and efficient computation in deep neural networks (DNNs), and theoretical analysis of expressive power for DNNs. This tutorial aims to present an overview of recent progress of TNs technology applied to machine learning from perspectives of TN for data representation, parameter modeling, and functional approximation. Specifically, we will introduce the fundamental model and algorithms of TNs, typical approaches in unsupervised learning, tensor completion, multi-modal learning and various applications in DNN, CNN, RNN and etc. We also discuss new frontiers and future trends in this research area.


The audiences of this tutorial are expected to have basic knowledge in multilinear algebra, tensor decomposition, machine learning and deep neural networks.

Tutorial Outline

  • Part I. Tensor Methods for Data Representation
      Tensor Decomposition

      Tensor Completion for Missing Values

      Latent Convex Tensor Decomposition

      Tensor Network Diagram

      Tensor Train and Tensor Ring Models
  • Part II. Tensor Networks in Deep Learning Modeling
      Model Compression of NN by Tensor Networks

      Learning Algorithms for Reparametrization by Tensor Networks

      Supervised Learning with Quantum Inspired Tensor Networks

      Exponential Machine

      Speedup and Compression of CNN

      Tensor Networks for Theoretical Analysis of DNNs

      Multimodal Learning by Tensor Networks

      Applications to RNN, LSTM, and Transformer

  • Part III. Frontiers and Future Trends
      TN for Function Approximation of Supervised Learning

      TN Representation for Probabilistic Graphical Model

      Generative Modeling by TN

      Gaussian Mixture Distribution with Multi-dimensional Modes

      Supervised Learning by Multi-scale TNs, 2D PEPS type TNs, and Tree TNs

      Structure Learning of Tensor Networks


Tutorial Slides

This tutorial slide is available here: TNML-ACML2020Tutorial-QibinZhao.pdf


Qibin Zhao is a team leader for tensor learning team at RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project. He is also a visiting professor in Saitama Institute of Technology and a visiting associate professor in Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan. Previously, he was a research scientist at RIKEN Brain Science Institute from 2009 to 2017. His research interests include machine learning, tensor factorization and tensor networks, computer vision and brain signal processing. He has published more than 120 scientific papers in international journals and conferences and two monographs on tensor networks (2016, 2017). He serves as an editorial board member for journal “Science China: Technological Sciences”, and also serves as an Area Chair for the international conferences of NeurIPS 2020, ICML 2021, ICLR 2021, AISTATS 2021, IJCAI 2021 and ACML 2020. He is (co-)organizing two workshops on tensor networks in NeurIPS 2020 [Link] and IJCAI 2020 [Link].


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